Literary Editing and Translating Services
In a comma coma? I can help!
First impressions are important. Whether you’re writing a paper, getting your manuscript ready to submit to an agent, or planning to self-publish, I can help you polish your writing so you can present a finished project you’ll be proud of. Even if you’re a champ at spelling and grammar, errors can—and will—slip by you. Remember, spell-check doesn’t distinguish between homonyms. I can help you be sure your manuscript is free of pesky and embarrassing typos, grammatical errors, malapropisms, homonyms, run-on sentences, redundancies, monotonous sentence and paragraph structure, etc. I’ve been doing freelance editing for over twenty years.
If English isn’t your native language, my ESL editing and translation services are designed for you. I have over twenty years of experience doing Spanish-English editing and translation and am fully bilingual and bicultural. I'm also proficient in reading Italian and have done numerous Italian-English translation projects. I will revise your paper, essay, or manuscript so that it reads as smoothly in English as if it had been written by a native English speaker—guaranteed!
Introductory offer for projects over twenty pages: First three pages (up to 750 words) FREE!! If you decide you’d like me to edit or translate the remainder of your manuscript, great! If you decide not to continue with the project, there’s no obligation.